Week 9 Reading and Writing.

 Damn!!!!! Throughout this semester I have done a lot of writing. 26, excluding this one to be exact. Overall, as nerdy as it may sound, I have actually really enjoyed it. I found it surprising that I enjoyed it because I'm not the type of person who would usually enjoy writing anything, let alone a blog. Between the two, Reading and writing, I have enjoyed the writing more. This is because I prefer to be practical rather than sitting there.

Favourite Reading:

My favourite reading would have to the reading on a growth mindset and a fixed mindset. I have gone into detail about these terms in the blog: have-you-heard-about-growth-mindset.html.

I enjoyed this reading because it actually helped me go from a fixed mindset to a growth mindset which will always make me want to be better. It will make me want to develop my skills further and gain more knowledge. 

Do These Readings Help You:

These reading have helped with my game. The GDD notes helped because if I somehow forgot an element about or need someone to understand my game idea, I could just show them that document and they would understand the concept. 

The weekly blogs on our game projects progress helped a lot too. They helped us remember where we were and what errors we would have to fix. This would also be handy to know how much of a game you have completed and how much you have left.

Have You Learned Any Research Methods:

Yes. The main method I learned would have to be using the growth mindset to help finish all assignments. And not only completing them but also completing them to the best of my ability.

I also learn a lot about time management strategies. So now at the start of every week, I have a sticky note in front of me of every subject. Each subject has what has to be done, what day its due and points or percentage if its told. This method has made all assignments easier and I always feel good crossing off an assignment every time I am finished.

Are You Happy With Your Game Project:

So far I am very happy with my game project. Even though it's not an amazing game like Fortnite, I am very impressed with it. To be fair, I started this module as a novice to game developing, but now I am actually able to do certain skills, I would have never imagined myself doing.

Biggest Accomplishment:

I would have to say my biggest accomplishment from this module is learning how to use Unity. This is because Unity created one of my favourite childhood games, "Temple Run".  I never once thought in a million years that I would ever use any gaming software and create a fully functional game. This includes my unity tutorials as well as my own game projects that I planned and created from scratch.

What are you looking forward to:

What I am looking forward to is comparing different ways people write blogs. 

Thanks for reading my blog.

- Cian 


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